This site is designed to support your unit sales.
This Site has not been sanctioned by the Tidewater Council it's content is the sole responsibility of
the 3-Rivers Popcorn Coach
Here you will
find tools and assistance for the Tidewater Council Three River Popcorn Sale
Look here for up date information, order forms, and information to help you with
your sale.
If you are not a scouter and you wish to order popcorn to help support
our fundraising efforts we can help with that too. click here
The Popcorn Sale begins as soon as you get an order form for Take Orders. Take
Orders continue for the entire sale period. Show and Sell begins on August 1, 2015 and ends on November 2, 2015. This
is when all orders must be in to Council. This means from now until November 2, 2015 we will be selling popcorn.
This time table is the short version. Please see the schedule page
for complete information.
Mission Statement
The mission of this site, and the 3-Rivers Popcorn Coach is to help make your sale
easy and successful. The goal is to make this your only fundraising campaign this year. Your Scouts should be
working the program, not working for it. Every Scout can, and should, earn his own way with this fundraising campaign.
Does your unit have the funds to Do
the Stuff Scouts Do?
Or are your parents paying for your
program activities?
If you want to increase your funds with
lots of support, and incentives you have come to the right place!
3-River District
Popcorn sale, we succeed through knowledge, inventiveness, and effort.
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