Three Rivers Popcorn Central

Why Sell Popcorn?

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Popcorn is too much hassle.  We make more money on our own.  Why shouldn't we just do our own  fundraiser?

By the B.S.A. policies Units may only engage in a fundraising campaign after completing and having approval of a Unit Money Making Application.  B.S.A. insurance is coverage for Approved Scouting Activities.  The only time a Scout is to wear his Class A uniform for Fundraising, is during Approved by Council Fundraising Campaigns.
If your unit is selling another product during the Popcorn sale, odds are you are selling without the proper paper work, and without insurance coverage.

Let's compare Fundraising Merchandise. 
Comparison based on Take Order, or Show and Sell profit of 38%.

This fundraiser not only supports your unit, but the Tidewater Council goals as well. The programs and camps that are basically free for units to use, require funds from some where.


Lets compare the profit from other Fundraising merchandise. You know the ones that you set up on your own, and the unit keeps all the profit to support its individual needs.


1) Candy bars: These have a 50% profit.  Dollar Bars you make about $.50 per bar.  You have to commit to at least one case of four 52 bar carry cases, which is 208 candy bars, not returnable.


Profit from 1 tin of 12oz. Caramel equals $3.80 or 7.6 candy bars, 1 box of Microwave popcorn equals $6.84 or 13.68 candy bars, and 1 tin of Mud Puddles equals $7.60 or 15.2 candy bars.  If a boy sells one of each popcorn example, he made a profit equivalent to 36.48 candy bars.  Which is not quite 3/4 of a carry case of Dollar Bars.  That is 3 items at a profit of $18.24 compared to 36.48 bars of candy, since you can't sell a half of a bar of candy you are looking at a profit of $18.00 from the candy.


2) Doughnuts: This profit depends on how much you sell.  Let's say for ease of math $1.00 per box.


Profit from 1 tin of 12oz. Caramel equals $3.80 or 3.8 boxes of doughnuts, 1 box of Microwave popcorn equals $6.84 or 6.84 boxes of doughnuts, 1 tin of Sea Salt Splash equals $7.60 or 7.6 boxes of doughnuts.  If a boy sells one of each popcorn example he made a profit equivalent to 18.24 boxes of doughnuts.  That is 3 items compared to 18.24 to make the same profit level.


In addition to the profit your unit earns from the popcorn sale your boys will be able to earn a patch (@$50.00), and incentive prizes: a sports item (@$400) a Ring Blaster (@$750), Tides and Admiral Tickets (@ $1,500) a $200 Best Buy gift card (@$3,000)

Why should this be the only Fundraiser?

If you can get most of the money needed to run your unit activities done with now you won't need to spend time planning or supervising additional sales. The boys will have the money to work the program instead of working for it.

The boys & parents get tired of fundraising; PTA, School activities, Church, and Sports; all have fundraising in addition to Scouts. If you only have one, then they know they are done. This may increase participation by the boys, and families

Are you tired of hearing about the lack of funds for programs?  Here is your chance to do something about it!  Pull your units share of the costs by meeting your popcorn sale goal.

3-River District Popcorn sale, we succeed through knowledge, inventiveness, and effort.