Be prepared! You will be asked this question:
Why are you selling popcorn? Many people especially those who are budget conscience
want to know why they should be spending $10.00 on a can of popcorn that will cost them $5.00 in the store. If they stop to ask, then half your battle is won, they want to help.
So why are you selling popcorn? Because my Leader told me to is not a very strong answer. This
goes directly to the Goals of your sale. We are earning our money for camp,
or the Pinewood Derby, We need Scout books or uniforms. It should be something that will both be honest, and that the Scout can grasp. It is especially good if he is actually working on a personal goal then he usually
has a passionate answer, and you have an eager salesman.
Now I want you start to think like a customer, what turns on your automatic no response? Avoid it at your sale table, and in your Scouts sales pitch. "Do you want to buy some popcorn? "NO" Can I have a few minutes... "NO"
Would you buy "NO". Everybody who shops has had to deal with sales people;
everybody who shops has automatic no triggers. You know them; you have them, avoid them!
Try "Hi! Would
you help support the Scouts and get some popcorn?" Key words here are Hi, help, support and Scouts. Would you like to help us go to camp by purchasing popcorn today? In this
opening you are immediately telling the customer why you are selling popcorn.
Yes the little guys may trip over it, but that actually makes it work better. If greeted
by a little guy; wearing his uniform, with a cheerful greeting, asking for help, people stop to at least hear what he is saying.
Do not judge a book by its cover. Ask! Everyone is a potential customer. I
used to tell my Scouts to just ask adults, but occasionally a new guy would ask every one including the kids coming through
the door. And do you know what? Mom and Dad may not want popcorn for TV night, but that 8-year-old can be very demanding.
"Thats my friend from school, and popcorn with the movie tonight would be fun."
Do not expect customers to stop at your table out of curiosity, shoppers are busy, and most
of them would prefer to just keep moving. He or She will not know what you are
doing there unless you actually tell them by asking for a sale. Also asking
does not hurt, the worst they can do is ignore you, or say no, and at best you make a sale or get a Military donation.