Family Popcorn Kickoff
There is no better
way to insure a successful popcorn sale than with a Kickoff. When the whole family
is invited to your Kickoff you are sure to get the added support you will need for the sale, from moms, dads and older siblings,
as well as the Scouts.
Designate one of
your regular meeting nights for the Family Popcorn Kickoff. A Pack Meeting or
Court of Honor when you would normally expect parents and a large attendance is ideal. Try
to schedule it as close to the start of your popcorn sale as you can.
This is one example
of a successful Kickoff format:
1) Welcome and introduction of Scouts and
their families.
2) Leader explains the planned activities
for the year, and goes over the budget for the Den, Pack, Patrol or Troop.
3) Discuss the goal for the popcorn sale,
how it is based on the budget for the activities.
4) Break it down to an average sales goal
per Scout. Explain the importance of family support of the sale.
5) Pass out packages, order forms, other
popcorn material, and explain their use. Answer questions.
6) Discuss any special sales programs or
events (Take a Case to Work, Show N Sell dates, etc.)
7) Serve popcorn and drinks.
8) Reflection: Ask parents for their input
and ideas on getting additional sales.
9) Get a commitment from the families to
support the sale by signing up to supervise sales, helping to distribute product, talking to church or coaches about possible
mini show and sell.