It is common practice
at least in 3-Rivers for one person to do many jobs in the Unit, I know because I am one of those people with many jobs. That aside your unit may only have one person whose job description is Popcorn Coach
and that is great, however, the Popcorn Coach is not the only person selling popcorn. This
is a team effort hence the title Coach.
Every person (Notice
person, not Scout) who is selling popcorn is part of their Unit team, and reports to the Unit Coach. Every Unit Popcorn Coach is part of the District team, and every District Coach is part of the Council Team,
at least in theory.
So who is on your
Unit Team and what is their position? Well actually a lot of that is for you
to answer. Here is a basic thumbnail for you:
Popcorn Coach: the buck stops here for motivating,
training, information, and inventory management.
Assistant Coach: Back up for the coach, I find
it useful to have someone with strengths in areas where the Coach feels he needs extra help. For
instance if the Coach is great at organizing paper work, but doesn’t relate well to the boys, then the Assistant should
be someone who relates well to the boys. Remember many hands can make the load
lighter, if you need more than one Assistant it is your team build what you need.
Unit Treasurer: This is the person with the
checkbook, the one who needs to write the check to Council to pay for the popcorn. This
is the person who should have a clue about what is going on with the unit budget and how much money it needs to operate. Oh and he will also be the person you turn the popcorn money over to so you can get
that check.
Den/ Patrol Leaders: Somebody needs to keep
the flow of information going from Adults to Scouts on what is going on. Someone
needs to supervise your Scouts at the sale table. The logical choice is the person
who is in charge of them during meetings. (Note here to Troops you MUST have 2 adults in charge at the popcorn table, not
Youth Leaders)
Parents: (I know to dream…Any way) Parents
need to supervise especially Cubs going door to door, parents need to at least drive Scouts to the Show and Sale table, Parents
can take order forms to their work, or night class, or lodge, or bowling league, or poker game, you get the picture.
Scouts: This is your actual work force; they
will be doing the bulk of the selling. BUT that is not the only task they are capable of doing! If you have a Troop they can be an actual part of the entire process it is supposed to be Boy run right?
No matter what side you are on the Scouts who have sold before are a great resource
for training new Scouts. Nobody motivates a boy like another boy, if you need
someone to get the unit moving use the boy who is moving to help.
Charter Organization Rep: (who?) The fact is
your Charter Organization owns the Scout Unit. This means that They not the Tidewater
Council have the final word on most of the stuff your unit does, and They are supposed to be helping you out financially.
In the real world this doesn’t happen much, however, If you can include
your Charter in your information process they can at least post the fact that you are selling popcorn in their bulletins,
and maybe you can set up a show and sale at one of their meetings, or advertise sale dates on their road side bulletin board.