Popcorn Coach Guide

Boy Scout Coach
Page Descriptions
Popcorn Coach
Popcorn Team
Boy Scout Coach
Key to Success
Planning and Goals
Budget Plan
Take Order
Show and Sell
request letter
After the letter
Selling Manners
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The Boy Scout Coach, and Troop Team

We need to put more focus on the Boy run part of the Troop's popcorn program.  This page is specifically tailored for the Troop Popcorn Team.  That team would be either the SPL, or ASPL, The Adult who has volunteered as the Popcorn coach, and their son, or A Scout which has volunteered with his Parent or all four.  The Scout should have experience selling popcorn, and consistently attend meetings, someone the rest of the Troop will pay attention to and is enthusiastic, preferably not a just crossed up Webelos.


This is a suggestion of how the team would function.  There will be a Scout who runs the popcorn sale, with the assistance of an Adult, so it may be easier if they both live under the same roof.  The Scout would do the talking at the meetings, get the rest of the boys involved, help train new boys on selling, get rosters filled for show and sells, track what the Troop is doing, and report to the Troop.  The Adult would need to be leadership at show and sells, responsible for checking out inventory from Council, and help insure the money, and inventory are tracked correctly, and invoices are paid on time, in other words administration back up, just like the Treasurer position a youth and an adult. 


This should not be a foreign concept to the Troops.  Now there is some disagreement on whether or not this would count as a leadership position towards advancement.  This job is not listed in the Scout book, however it is just as much work if not more than the Quartermaster position, and will last the entirety of the sale which is 4 to 6 months depending on when you start Take Orders and finish Show and Sell.  Depending on your Scout Master and Committee you could be the Quartermaster of Popcorn if that is what it takes to make this a legal leadership roll, you need to have that discussion with your Scout Master. A list of of the Positions of Responsibilty this job has tasks in common with is here 

You may not get credit for a leadership position; but, if you follow the instructions in the rest of this section on how to be a successful Coach, You will complete a great portion of several merit badges.  You will also need to get blue cards and have a conference with the Merit Badge Counselor to make sure that your Counselor agrees with this assessment of what you will complete. 


Click here for the Merit Badge information

Your Scout Master and Merit Badge Counselor will have the final word on what you can and can not earn.

3-Rivers District Popcorn sale, we succeed through knowledge, inventiveness, and effort.