Popcorn Coach Guide

Page Descriptions
Popcorn Coach
Popcorn Team
Boy Scout Coach
Key to Success
Planning and Goals
Budget Plan
Take Order
Show and Sell
request letter
After the letter
Selling Manners
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 What form of payment do you take?

Of Course, it doesn’t bounce, or get denied. You can spend it everywhere.



There is a risk which your Unit assumes.


It must be made out to your Unit not the Council.


Make sure there is contact information including address and phone number on it. 


You can be even safer and put the Drivers License information on it, make sure the face matches the picture.

New Internet Sale option for Credit card orders!
The information about this is in the Unit Information page in the home site, and greater details are in the Popcorn Manual. 
The short version is you get a sale ID number so the sale credit is given to your unit and Scout.  The customer has a variety of flavors and two sizes to choose from, which will be shipped directly to them.  The Customer can shop from their own home computer.

I only have a card

The toughest obstacle to overcome is the I only have a Bank card or Credit card customer.


We have the technology, we can build a website, we can use PayPal.


You just need access to the Web.


If you have a Computer, or an I-pod, or a Phone that can get you on the internet you can take plastic.


You need a web page to put your sale information on.  You will use it to set up PayPal.


You need to set up a PayPal account and choose what package you want to use.


You need a bank account that you are able send funds to, so you can spend the purchase money in the real world.


You will need your Tax Exempt number if you register as nonprofit with PayPal.


To offset PayPal fees you will need to set up shipping and handling rates.

All payment options are your Units choice, and all but cash are your risk.

3-Rivers District Popcorn sale, we succeed through knowledge, inventiveness, and effort.