Public Speaking: There are
5 requirements to complete this badge.
1.You can complete
in your Popcorn kick off opening presentation to your Troop. Giving the Troop your bio will let them know your qualifications
for this job.
2. This would be
completed in your presentation of the Popcorn program at kick off.
3. This is accomplished
every time you explain what the popcorn products are and up sell to a better value while selling popcorn.
4. This would be completed
during your updates on Troop standings, progress toward goal, and upcoming show and sell dates and locations, during weekly
5. This would be
completed during the question and answer portion of your Kick off or during your update reports.
Salesmanship: There are 7 requirements to complete this badge. The popcorn sale
is actually listed as a resource for this badge, and Public Speaking and Communication are listed as partner badges at
2. This is what
every Scout is taught at the how to sell portion of your sale, with the exception of a & c. You would really need to discuss
with your Counselor if your presentations and work would complete a & c.
3. This is the
basic leadership mission of the Popcorn Coach.
4. This is the
activity of selling Popcorn
5. Popcorn is a
Unit fundraiser.
6b. You may be
able to complete this while contacting businesses for Show and Sell locations. This discussion may actually help to present
you as a responsible person with the management, and help you to book time at the store. I suggest this because as a young
man you may not be taken as seriously as your adult partner.
7a. You can complete
this as a part of your introduction for #1 in Public Speaking.
Entrepreneurship: There are
6 requirements to complete this badge. The Salesmanship badge is listed as a partner badge at
2. See suggestion
for 6b in salesmanship above.
4 a, b, d. Unfortunately
c has already been done by those at the manufacturer and Council level.
5 c, d. Point of
sale advertising, and Goal setting.
6. Run your popcorn
Communication: There are
9 requirements to complete this badge. A Eagle Required badge. Public Speaking
is listed as a partner badge at
1 c. Go to each
patrol separate form the entire Troop if you have a large Troop. Ask the Scouts during your kick off or a separate teaching
session to tell each other about their experience selling popcorn, what has worked what hasn't. d) This could be a helpful
partner with Entrepreneurship 4b.
2b. Your popcorn
sales pitch, or your request for a business show and sell location.
3 Your opening
for your Kick Off or your report at your weekly meeting.
6. Plan and implement
a teaching session for selling popcorn.
7. a) Advertise
your popcorn sale with the Clipper, or b) on the web, or c) make newsletter handouts for your popcorn sale updates to hand
out at meetings, perhaps include a picture of the top seller for the week to encourage greater participation.
8 Ask your Counselor
or Scout Master if your participation and planning for the Popcorn recognitions would count for this.